Thursday, August 14, 2014

Giving Back

The bible says “You reap what you sow.”

After my breakdown and being diagnosed with schizophrenia I felt like I did not have anything to sow. My dad and older brother had helped me. Friends had been there for me.

Here I was with a brain disorder, my life shattered, dreams gone. I did not know if I would ever be able to live on my own again.

I had to start over! How? While being in mental wards and group homes I was able to make friends easily. I have always been a very caring person.

Many of my friends are from the early days. They are still my friends today. I realized that a small act of kindness could make someone's day. From a simple “Hello” to a “Happy Birthday.” Sometimes a used book, a small gift or a greeting card could lift the spirits of my friends. It does not take a lot of money to make someone smile.

As I gained control over my brain disorder and became more independent I would continue to keep up with my friends. I usually sent them texts, emails, snail mail letters and I would visit my local friends.

I wanted give back to the community. A friend and I decided to volunteer at a nursing home. I had the idea that we would visit and talk to the elderly. We were quickly to learn about dementia, Alzheimer's, and the survivors of strokes. After spending time with these people I realized my problems with schizophrenia were not so enormous.

For fun activities I wanted to color and paint. However that was not our calling. “BINGO!” Yes our calling was bingo. We run the bingo games a few times a week. We always have a good sized crowd. My friend and I take turns calling out the numbers while the other one goes around helping the consumers with their cards.

We dealt with all types of seniors. There is one outgoing gentleman that said something along the lines of “How about a kiss, baby?!” One lady that loves to play bingo refers to me as the pretty foreigner. My bingo players are always glad to see us. If they win they get a piece of chocolate candy. For a while they have fun and are entertained.

My heart goes out to these elderly consumers because they will not get better. I am glad I can give back to these people. I forget my problems for awhile. I know that I am continually getting better with my brain disorder.

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