is emotionally taxing. Even with medications, therapy and the support
of my family and friends.
I have talked about my son Bear. He has helped me endure sadness,
heartache and loneliness.
Bear needs help sometimes. My family owns two dogs, Looney and
Lassie. They are both small female dogs. They are my companions too.
Along with Garfield and Dopey, my AL best friend's cats. Together
with Bear these animals (my friends) help me deal with the symptoms
of schizophrenia.
is hyper, with all kinds of energy. Lassie is more calm and
collected. I love giving them treats and kisses. Petting and spending
time with my dogs makes me feel calmer. They make me feel loved. They
always lift my spirits.
AL best friend's cats provide me some comfort as well. Dopey is a
grey female, older cat. She meows a lot and is not always sociable.
However she can be sweet at times. Garfield is a big cuddly male orange Tom
cat. He likes to sit with me often and loves when I pet him. Soothing
is the best word that comes to mind. Sometimes I give them treats
when I am over. They meow at me and follow me into the room for their
have mentioned before that when dealing with a brain disorder, you do
whatever it takes. Pets are an excellent way of dealing with the
symptoms of my illness and the side effect of medicines. Bear along
with my dogs and cats, help me cope and live a richer life! I am
thankful for the role they play in my world!
I too can appreciate the therapeutic value pets can have
Hey Brooke! Thanks for reading. Make sure to check out my very first article. "Childhood Memories"
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