Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Wishing to be pretty enough.

Hi guys ! I know it's been a while ! I hope you enjoy reading about my life!

Pretty much most of my life I have felt not pretty enough. Up until this day it is something I still struggle with. It has kinda become an obsession.

It started when I was very young. I was still in elementary school. At the time my mom was still around. She worked in the cafeteria of a hospital. One day she took me to work with her. There was an office in the cafeteria. That was where I sat while she took care of things. There were two women in the office with me. I think it was just the three of us. I heard the women talking. The women were talking about me. They said things like "She isn't pretty. She's ugly. She just has pretty long hair." Earlier my mom's co workers were telling her that I was a pretty girl. When I heard the women calling me ugly I felt very very bad.

I never forgot that situation. When I was in high school I got mixed responses. Some people called me pretty. Some people called me ugly.

So even today I don't feel like I will ever be pretty enough. Most of the time I do feel ugly. When people tell me I'm pretty I spend so much time looking in the mirror trying to see what they see.